Christian Bernard
Born in France on November 30, 1951, under the sign of Sagittarius, Christian Bernard has been the Imperator of AMORC since April 12, 1990. Four times unanimously re-elected to this office, he is dedicated to the world unity of our Order and works in collaboration with all the Grand Masters.
A Rosicrucian from the age of 15, he served as Grand Master of the French speaking jurisdiction from 1977 to 1993. Prior to that he occupied the office of Grand Secretary and began his work with the Grand Lodge in 1970. Since 1972, his wife Helene has traveled by his side on the Rosicrucian path and assists him in his work. He is the father of three children, all Rosicrucians, and grandfather to several little ones.
After Rosicrucianism, his second personal passion is soccer. In addition to the affection he feels for all his Fratres and Sorores and for his family, like most Rosicrucians, Frater Bernard is concerned with ecology and the future of our planet.
Frater Christian Bernard was much esteemed by our late Imperator Ralph Maxwell Lewis, who placed great confidence in him from his earliest years. He has made every effort to show himself worthy of this and so long as circumstances permit, he will continue to serve our Order as he has for over 40 years.
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